Prisoners’ Stories and Material Booklet 

The narrative tome provides the raw material that gives life to the vr “rooms” of the STEPs project. The collection of narratives, the guidance to externalize and manifest the emotional states that the narrators and potential users are or were in, the description of specific scenes and objects to create the virtual reality “rooms” is a very important parameter for the creation and completion of the project.

With the necessary interventions to ensure the above parameters of safety and anonymity, the self-narratives are transferred to a virtual reality environment and both narrators and users receive the maximum benefits of the intervention without being exposed in front of others and without the possibility of facing any possible consequences.

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In order to obtain and secure a rich sample of biographical stories from prisoners across Europe, the STEPS partnership decided to create a common framework whose niche was a carefully crafted guide with questions and issues for trainers to keep in mind when asking prisoners and ex-prisoners about their past, present and future lives. With this guide as a support tool, trainers from Portugal, Italy and Greece used the flexible and integrated storytelling method to obtain stories.

This method was adapted to their particular circumstances (e.g. prison facilities, NGO facilities) such as time availability, location, resources, (former) emotional and psychological state of the prisoner. Several methodologies were used to achieve the best possible results for the collection of stories and therefore for the development of intellectual output.

This type of methodologies/methods have different meanings when used. Some of them are intended to prepare inmates/former inmates for storytelling, others for use during storytelling.

The resulting booklet of narratives will be a guide for any institution supporting incarcerated and ex-inmates to understand the elements of their personalities that require attention and concern, even if they will never be used as scenarios for the creation of VR “rooms”. During the project a total of 61 stories have been collected in Greece, Italy and Portugal. 6 of them are visualized.

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